Make your Cloud
Reduce human errors thanks to automation
Well architected framework & compliance made easy. Make sure you respond to the standards of your industry.
Preserved information, systems and assets
Security checker and compliance checker
BAM audits your infrastructures to raise alerts on where there are potential breaches of security or where you could strengthen your processes to ensure better respect of good practice.
It also allows you to highlight where you might not be compliant depending on the norms you want to observe. It is a question of risk assessments and putting in place mitigation strategies.
Rootless feature
BAM can prevent your users to access the root account. It is a massive benefit to ensure control and prevent integrity of your root account.By minimizing human errors, you are putting your security first.
Audit trail all access
All security access are logged making it better for traceability and transparency. Whatever the level of interactions of user services and whatever services are used, all is kept in a numerical safe.
It is possible to consult and create rules that will flag and protect your environments automatically through BAM.